Friday, September 26, 2014

Maleficent: I wasn't quite sure what I would think of this movie, I knew lots of people raved about it but I never know if I'll also like something. I did like this movie, it was a very interesting retelling. It certainly had an agenda, which is not really a good or a bad thing but it was for sure there, it was geared for a feminist take and maybe also to bitter women? I don't think you have to be either one of those things to enjoy the movie but those were the slants I felt were there. I did enjoy the movie though.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Cutting Edge: I really liked this movie, now that I try to think about why it's a little hard to put my finger on. I like the wit and humor of the movie. I enjoy watching the ice skating. It's just an enjoyable movie.