Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Invictus: This movie was really really great, it was so inspirational. The movie tells the story of when Nelson Mandela became the president of South Africa and the role that he and rugby played in bringing the country together after years of apartheid; think Remember the Titans but on a much larger scale. Matt Dameon and Morgan Freedman were both wonderful in their roles and it was so inspiring to learn more about Nelson Mandela.

Princess Mononoke: As much as I enjoy Miyazaki's movies, this wasn't my favorite. A lot of this may go back to my lack of knowledge of Japan and it's culture... or my lack of enthusiam for gorey cartoons. You'll have to watch it and decide what you think for yourself.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ponyo: This is a weird movie, not necesairily bad but weird. Ponyo is by Hayao Miyazaki and I always find his movies a bit weird (maybe because I'm not Japanese) but this one was especially so. This is Miyazaki's spin on Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid. It's a cute movie but I felt like we were just getting going and then it ended and that was disapointing.