Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2: Um, so first off, I haven't seen the first movie, there were things I liked about this movie, and things I didn't love. It's interesting and the kids I was watching it seemed to enjoy it. There were way more food puns than I really needed.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Catching Fire: A preface, I am not really a fan of dystopian things, that being said I liked the first Hunger Games enough to see it twice. I did not enjoy this movie at all, there's a lot of unhappy and ugly in this movie, it's almost all there is. I have a really hard time getting more of that in fiction when there's already so much in the world. By the end of this movie I felt like I did after watching GATCA (don't watch it, it sort of scarred me), needing something desperately to make me laugh so I could go on. I have no desire to have anything more to do with the hunger games.

Victor Victoria: I will first note that this movie may not be for everyone, but I find it quite funny. Victoria (Julie Andrews) is destitute until she meets up with Toddy and they concoct a plan for her to become Victor, an amazing female impersonator. That's going great until a handsome man shows up.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Kon Tiki: This was on the list of International Cinema movies for the semester and it sounded interesting. The film was listed as Norwegian (which it is)(as was a lot of the crew of the expedition) and so I assumed that the film would be in Norwegian and I'd be watching with subtitles, I was surprised when I found that the film was made in English (which was nice because reading subtitles isn't really anyone's favorite I would guess). I guess it makes some sense in this day in age, so many Scandinavians speak great English and it gives the film a wider market. Anyway it was a really good film, I don't know that much about the Kon Tiki voyage and so I couldn't say how historically accurate the movie is but it is really good. I was kind of ridiculous actually, as a historical event I knew roughly how the movie would end but the movie got so intense at one point that I had to stop for a little while. I really recommend seeing it, you'll learn something, it's beautifully filmed and just an all around good movie.